Staging and decorating tips

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So you think you're ready to sell? Most Sellers want top dollar for their home and why wouldn't they? Did you know staging can increases the value of your home and decreases the amount of time spent on the market?  If you cannot afford to hire a staging consultant, apply the following 7 decorating tips before you place your home on the market:  

1. De-clutter - whatever is NOT going into your new home, get rid of it! Donate or have a garage sale. De-clutter room-by-room -  including the walls. When staging your home, less is more. Keep in mind, you are getting ready to move so start packing!

2. The Front Door - It's like a "first impression",  make it a good one.  Nobody likes to be greeted  by spiders, June bugs and cobwebs. Get a broom and sweep up debris and critters hanging around the ceiling and door. Add a small colorful plant and a playful doormat. 

3.  The Foyer - Let the entryway/foyer say "WELCOME HOME"  by creating an inviting space upon entering. If room allows for a small table or shelf, add a small colorful floral arrangement, plant, or decorative mirror. Scented candles and calming music can easily set any mood and possibly change a buyer's prospective.

4Color - Keep wall colors neutral.  Bold paint colors can be overwhelming for buyers. Dark paint colors can make a room feel smaller. If you want to add some color, do it with pillows, an accent chair or rug. Floral arrangements can add color to any room. You can also brighten a room by simply letting the sunshine in.  Keep it light, bright and airy!

5. Create a focal point - In every room if possible. Your living room should be top priority (followed by the kitchen, then master bedroom). Add a large/medium size mirror to the wall to create depth to a small space. Be sure to arrange furniture so that buyers can easily walk through. Too much furniture can make an area feel cramped. Create a nice flow plan.

6.  Sanitize -  Bathrooms are often overlooked.  A grimy, moldy, smelly bathroom (tub, toilet and sink) can sometimes ruin the buyer's mood. Also, do not leave undergarments or braziers (I've seen it all) hanging on shower rods or towel bars. Add a new shower curtain liner,  fresh towels and keep it clean!   

7. Curb appeal - It's a big Deal! Studies show that landscaping can add 10 -15 percent of your homes value. Keep the lawn lush and watered. Clean weeds from garden beds and add a fresh layer of mulch.. Add landscape lighting, small water feature, and low maintenance shrubbery.  Use pavers, rocks or flagstone to accent your landscape. 

To make sure you have an advantage over the competition, we offer free consultation with a certified stager on all our listings as well as professional photography. So when you're ready to make the next move, let us guide you through the entire process.  




Categories: Home BuyingHome SellingGeneral
Local: League City
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